

Online Scientific Journal published by the Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2016 Issue 1
2016 Issue 2
2016 Issue 3
2016 Issue 4

Papers are accepted in the form of a PDF file

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• Содержание выпуска •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Mathematical Modelling •

Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers

Responsible for the Section: Sergei Abramov, Dr. Phys.-Math.Sci., corresponding member of RAS

On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text PDF .


Article # 2_2016

13 p.


submitted on 10th Dec 2015 displayed on website on 21th Jan 2016

E. Biryaltsev E., P. Bogdanov, M. Galimov, D. Demidov, A. Elizarov
HPC Platform for Oil&Gas Industry

There is a growing need in integrated software and hardware solutions for high performance computing, big data analysis, and 3D realtime visualization in the oil and gas industry.
We describe technical details and results obtained while creating such an integrated software and hardware solution, and talk about challenges and directions for further progress in the technological field. (In Russian).

Key words: general-purpose computing for graphics processing untis, numerical simulation, distributed computing, GPU cluster, oil and gas industry, HPC platform.

article citation


Article # 3_2016

18 p.


submitted on 11th Dec 2015 displayed on website on 21th Jan 2016

Smirnov S.A., Voloshinov V.V.
Effective use of discrete optimization solvers in cloud infrastructure on the basis of heuristic decomposition of the initial problem by optimization modeling system AMPL

Let’s take some discrete optimization problem and a time interval to find its solution by some branch and bound solver. Can we reduce time of solving if a number of instances of the same solver will run simultaneously with the same problem? We have got significant acceleration with open source solvers in multi-processors cloud computing environment. Our approach is based on the following:
(1) preliminary decomposition of the given problem into sub-problems via fixing integer values of some discrete variables selected in accordance with some heuristic rule implemented as a program in optimization modelling language AMPL;
(2) parallel solving of sub-problems by a pool of solvers which run simultaneously and exchange incumbents (bounds of optimal values in branch-and-bound method) they found in processing of sub-problems.
The approach is attractive due to the relative simplicity of program implementation. It has been verified on “Traveling Salesman (TSP)” and “Task-to-Worker scheduling” problems. (In Russian).

Key words: discrete optimization, branch and bound algorithm, prior heuristic decomposition.

article citation


Article # 5_2016

37 p.


submitted on 27th Jan 2016 displayed on website on 24th Feb 2016

Isupov K.S., Knyazkov V.S.
Parallel multiple-precision arithmetic based on residue number system

This paper deals with algorithms of multiple-precision arithmetic, based on the use of multi module residue number systems for representing of arbitrary length significands of floating-point numbers; the exponent is represented in the binary number system. Such number representation provides a large dynamic range and allows for effective parallelization of arithmetic operations on the digits of multiple-precision significands across RNS modules. This agrees well with the architectural features of modern parallel computing systems. Additionally, the attributive information which provides a fast estimation for the relative value of significand and allows you to increase the speed of executing complex non-modular operations in RNS, such as comparison, overflow control, rounding, etc., is included into the number format. Results of an experimental study on precision, performance and SIMD efficiency of multiple-precision algorithms are presented. (In Russian).

Key words: computer arithmetic, high-precision computations, parallel algorithms, residue number system, SIMD.

article citation


Article # 7_2016

18 p.


submitted on 18th Dec 2015 displayed on website on 29th Feb 2016

Baranov A.V., Nikolaev D.S.
The use of container virtualization in the organization of high-performance computing

The article focuses on the applicability of operating-system-level virtualization (Linux containers) in the organization of high-performance computing in terms of the isolation of user tasks. The results of experiments evaluate the overhead cost of operating-system-level virtualization, the degree of mutual influence of user tasks and protection from unauthorized access. (In Russian).

Key words: high-performance computing, operating-system-level virtualization, Linux containers, LXC, Docker, overhead cost of virtualization.

article citation



• Содержание выпуска •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Mathematical Modelling •


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Adress: Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PSTA Online Journal, 4a Peter the First Street, Veskovo village, Pereslavl area, Yaroslavl region, 152021 Russia

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© Electronic Scientific Journal "Program Systems: Theory and  Applications" 2010-2025
© Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Program Systems Institute of RAS (PSI RAS) 2010-2025