

Online Scientific Journal published by the Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2017 Issue 1
2017 Issue 2
2017 Issue 3
2017 Issue 4

Papers are accepted in the form of a PDF file

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• Содержание выпуска •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Mathematical Modelling •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •

Mathematical Foundations of Programming

Responsible for the Section: doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences Nikolay Nepeivoda

On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text PDF .


Article # 17_2017

25 p.


submitted on 26th March 2016 displayed on website on 05th June 2017


Iurii Smetanin
Verification of logical consequence, using the calculus of constituent sets and correspondences of Galois

The paper substantiates that, in the case where staged argument uses the concept of verification tasks of conformity can be checked logical consequence, without applying the logical conclusion. It is convenient to use the calculus of constituent sets and tasking logic LS2 [1,2]. The example shows that the predicate logic, logical consequence verification can be performed using a simple reasoning based on Galois correspondence. (In Russian).

Key words: logical equations, syllogistic, algebraic ontology, algebraic system, nonparadoxical logical consequence, Boolean algebra, Galois correspondence.

article citation


• Содержание выпуска •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Mathematical Modelling •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •


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Adress: Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PSTA Online Journal, 4a Peter the First Street, Veskovo village, Pereslavl area, Yaroslavl region, 152021 Russia

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© Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Program Systems Institute of RAS (PSI RAS) 2010-2025