

Online Scientific Journal published by the Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mathematical Foundations of Programming
Healthcare Information Systems
Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks
Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers

Papers are presented in PDF format

• Содержание выпуска •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Healthcare Information Systems •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •

Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory

Responsible for the Section: doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences Yury Sachkov.

On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text PDF .


Article # 17_2019

22 p.


submitted on 27th Aug 2019 displayed on website on 20th Nov 2019

Alexander Kazakov, Anna Lempert, Alexander Stolbov, Boris Saneev, Sergey Popov
Principles of creating technology for modeling and forecasting the development of regional fuel and energy complexes of Russia and Mongolia in respect the energy cooperation between the two countries

The article relates to the creation of computational technology for scenario modeling and forecasting the interrelated development of the national fuel and energy complexes of Russia and Mongolia, taking into account the cross-country trade in fuel and energy resources. The study aims to create a methodological basis for determining the most promising options for bilateral interaction and, in turn, to evaluate the effectiveness of projects for energy cooperation between Russia and Mongolia. The scientific framework for the proposing technology follows principles of agent-based simulation modeling,
according to which the objects under consideration became elements of a multi-agent system.
We describe the selection of the Adskit software for the creation of an agent-based simulation model (ABSM) of the fuel and energy system of Russia and Mongolia and a justification of the chosen instrument and propose methodological principles and architecture of ABSM. The mathematical model for the problem of laying routes of extended energy objects has the form of a particular case of the variational problem and deals with which the author’s solution algorithm based on the principles of geometric optics. (In Russian).

Key words: computational technology, agent simulation, mathematical modeling, computational algorithm, energy cooperation, development scenarios, fuel and energy complex.

article citation


Article # 20_2019

14 p.


submitted on 3th Dec 2019 displayed on website on 11th Dec 2019

Andrei Ardentov, Ivan Gubanov
Modeling of car parking along Markov-Dubins
and Reeds-Shepp paths

We examine three classical model problems to describe optimal car parking: the Markov problem, the Dubins problem, the Reeds-Shepp problem. We investigate the kinematic laws for the trailer when the car is moving along the examined optimal paths. An interface is developed as Mathematica software. It constructs the desired optimal paths and the animation of the car (with a trailer) movement. (In Russian).

Key words: optimal control, time-minimizating problem, Wolfram Mathematica, kinematic.

article citation


Article # 21_2018

29 p.


submitted on 26th Nov 2019 displayed on website on 12th Dec 2019

Alexey Mashtakov, Kseniya Putintseva
Image Processing Toolkit Inspired by
Mechanisms of Human Visual Perception

We consider a problem of computer simulation of human vision. We develop software for image processing by methods based on the principles of visual perception by humans. The software Visual Processing performs the first stages of the visual signal processing by the human brain: blurring images (removing noise), edge detection (image contours) and orientation analysis (determining the angle of inclination of the contours). These steps have been modeled by Gaussian filter to blur and represent the image, a Gaussian derivative apparatus for edge detection, and a Gabor filter for determining the orientations. Visual Processing has been developed in C, tcl / tk using the libpng and libgsl libraries. It performs the following functions: Gaussian image blur; differentiation of the image using Gaussian derivatives; edge detection using the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG filter); determining the orientation of the contours and lift of the image to the Lie group SE2 using Gabor filters. Visual Processing is an open-source software that aims to build a platform for implementing and testing different image processing algorithms in the field of mathematical modeling of vision. (In Russian).

Key words: image processing, vision model, human visual system, Gaussian derivatives, Gabor filter, roto-translation group.

article citation


Article # 22_2019

21 p.


submitted on 12th Yan 2019 displayed on website on 06th Dec 2019

A.M. Tsirlin, M.A. Zaeva
Conversions of the convolution operation to the sum and the asymptotic behavior of the stable polynomials coefficients

Consider the integral transformations which convert convolution in the domain of originals (functions of scalar real variable) into the sum of images (functions of scalar real variable). All these transformations are given up to a linear operator.
We discuss the properties of one of these transformations, which converts any exponent the exponent: its relationship with the Laplace transform, transform of some particular functions and operations differentiation, integration, shift, time scaling, multiplication by the exponent, etc.
Transformations of this type we call cumulative by analogy with the transition from the density distribution of a random variable to its cumulants. We show that Newton’s formulas that realize the relation of sums of the same powers of the roots of a polynomial with its coefficients are cumulative transformation. Also, any transition of real variable function to its phase (same as the logarithm of the module of its Fourier transform) is.
We discuss the possible applications and obtain the conditions under which the sequence of coefficients of a stable polynomial with increasing its degree is asymptotically normal. (In Russian).

Key words: convolution of originals, integral transformation, sum of mappings, cumulants, stable polynomials.

article citation


• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Healthcare Information Systems •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •


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Adress: Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PSTA Online Journal, 4a Peter the First Street, Veskovo village, Pereslavl area, Yaroslavl region, 152021 Russia

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© Electronic Scientific Journal "Program Systems: Theory and  Applications" 2010-2025
© Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Program Systems Institute of RAS (PSI RAS) 2010-2025