

Online Scientific Journal published by the Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks
Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers
Mathematical Foundations of Programming
Information Systems in Culture and Education
Healthcare Information Systems
Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory
Mathematical Modelling

Papers are presented in PDF format

• Содержание выпуска •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Information Systems in Culture and Education •
• Healthcare Information Systems •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Mathematical Modelling •

Mathematical Foundations of Programming

Responsible for the Section: doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences Nikolay Nepeivoda

On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text PDF .


Article # 16_2018

24 p.


submitted on 05th Oct 2018 displayed on website on 14th Nov 2018


S. V. Znamenskij
Numerical evaluation of the interpolation accuracy of simple elementary functions

Comparison of the accuracy of the restoration of elementary functions by the values in the nodes was made for algorithms of low-degree piecewise-polynomial interpolation. The test results clearly demonstrate in graphical form the advantages and disadvantages of the widely used cubic interpolation splines.
The comparison revealed that, contrary to popular belief, the smoothness of the interpolant is not directly related to the accuracy of the approximation. In the 20 disparate examples considered, the piecewise quadratic interpolation is rarely and only slightly inferior in the form of the used classical cubic splines, often by orders of magnitude better than many of them.
In several examples the high interpolation error of simple functions on a fixed grid appears to be almost independent of the degree of the algorithm and the smoothness of the interpolant. The piecewise-linear interpolation unexpectally appeared the most accurate in one of examples.
A new problem is presented: to find a local interpolation algorithm, exactly restoring any rational functions of the second order. (In Russian).

Key words: local interpolation, spline interpolation, convexity preserving, recovery precision. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65D05; 65D07, 68W99.

article citation


Article # 17_2018

24 p.


submitted on 05th Oct 2018 displayed on website on 14th Nov 2018


S. V. Znamenskij
Numerical evaluation of the interpolation accuracy of simple elementary functions

Comparison of the accuracy of the restoration of elementary functions by the values in the nodes was made for algorithms of low-degree piecewise-polynomial interpolation. The test results clearly demonstrate in graphical form the advantages and disadvantages of the widely used cubic interpolation splines.
The comparison revealed that, contrary to popular belief, the smoothness of the interpolant is not directly related to the accuracy of the approximation. In the 20 disparate examples considered, the piecewise quadratic interpolation is rarely and only slightly inferior in the form of the used classical cubic splines, often by orders of magnitude better than many of them.
In several examples the high interpolation error of simple functions on a fixed grid appears to be almost independent of the degree of the algorithm and the smoothness of the interpolant. The piecewise-linear interpolation unexpectally appeared the most accurate in one of examples.
A new problem is presented: to find a local interpolation algorithm, exactly restoring any rational functions of the second order.

Key words: local interpolation, spline interpolation, convexity preserving, recovery precision. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65D05; 65D07, 68W99.

article citation


Article # 36_2018

16 p.


submitted on 25th Nov 2018 displayed on website on 30th Dec 2018


Arkady Klimov
Towards automatic generation of stencil programs with enhanced temporal locality

Stencil algorithms are widely used in areas of mathematical modeling on regular grids, the evolution of cellular automata (such as the game “life”), image processing, sequence analysis, etc. Such algorithms are well parallelized, but the usual approaches to parallelization have low temporal locality, which limits their scalability. It is possible to get rid of this drawback by using different re-ordering schemes for processing points, when the space is divided into small areas that fit into the cache, in which it is possible to advance by several iterations at once. However, such schemes are difficult to program and debug. There is a simple pyramid method, but it doesn’t scale well due to some duplication of calculations. Our approach is to use more sophisticated reordering schemes without duplication, for which code can be generated automatically from a relatively simple scheme specification. In this case, the schemes themselves are defined by specifying distribution functions that distribute the computational points over space and time. This article outlines the approach and considers, for a sample source, various code variants generated from different distribution functions. (In Russian).

Key words: stencil algorithms, parallel computing, automatic parallelization, temporal locality, pyramid method, dataflow computation model, placement, scheduling.

article citation


Article # 37_2018

52 p.


submitted on 15th Oct 2018 displayed on website on 30th Dec 2018


Sergei Meshveliani
Constructing provable programs for arithmetic of natural numbers in binary representation

The paper describes an experience in developing a library of proved programs for arithmetic of natural numbers in binary representation. The programs are provided with formal machine-checked proofs for certain basic properties of such arithmetic. The programs have been developed in terms of a purely functional language Agda supporting dependent types. That allows us to construct machine-checked proofs. The arithmetic is based on usual naive algorithms operating with bit lists. Constructing complete formal proofs for these algorithms is not so simple as one may expect. The program improves and completes the Bin part of Standard library lib-0.16 for Agda. (In Russian).

Key words: computer algebra, binary code arithmetic, provable programming, Agda language.

article citation


Article # 38_2018

18 p.


submitted on 17th April 2018 displayed on website on 28th Dec 2018


S. V. Znamenskij
Stable assessment of the quality of similarity algorithms of character strings and their normalizations

The choice of search tools for hidden commonality in the data of a new nature requires stable and reproducible comparative assessments of the quality of abstract algorithms for the proximity of symbol strings. Conventional estimates based on artificially generated or manually labeled tests vary significantly, rather evaluating the method of this artificial generation with respect to similarity algorithms, and estimates based on user data cannot be accurately reproduced.
A simple, transparent, objective and reproducible numerical quality assessment of a string metric. Parallel texts of book translations in different languages are used. The quality of a measure is estimated by the percentage of errors in possible different tries of determining the translation of a given paragraph among two paragraphs of a book in another language, one of which is actually a translation. The stability of assessments is verified by independence from the choice of a book and a pair of languages.
The numerical experiment steadily ranked by quality algorithms for abstract character string comparisons and showed a strong dependence on the choice of normalization.

Key words: string similarity, data analysis, similarity metric, distance metric, numeric evaluation, quality assessment.

article citation


Article # 39_2018

18 p.


submitted on 17th April 2018 displayed on website on 28th Dec 2018


S. V. Znamenskij
Stable assessment of the quality of similarity algorithms of character strings and their normalizations

The choice of search tools for hidden commonality in the data of a new nature requires stable and reproducible comparative assessments of the quality of abstract algorithms for the proximity of symbol strings. Conventional estimates based on artificially generated or manually labeled tests vary significantly, rather evaluating the method of this artificial generation with respect to similarity algorithms, and estimates based on user data cannot be accurately reproduced.
A simple, transparent, objective and reproducible numerical quality assessment of a string metric. Parallel texts of book translations in different languages are used. The quality of a measure is estimated by the percentage of errors in possible different tries of determining the translation of a given paragraph among two paragraphs of a book in another language, one of which is actually a translation. The stability of assessments is verified by independence from the choice of a book and a pair of languages.
The numerical experiment steadily ranked by quality algorithms for abstract character string comparisons and showed a strong dependence on the choice of normalization. (In Russian).

Key words: string similarity, data analysis, similarity metric, distance metric, numeric evaluation, quality assessment.

article citation


• Содержание выпуска •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Information Systems in Culture and Education •
• Healthcare Information Systems •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Mathematical Modelling •


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Adress: Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PSTA Online Journal, 4a Peter the First Street, Veskovo village, Pereslavl area, Yaroslavl region, 152021 Russia

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© Electronic Scientific Journal "Program Systems: Theory and  Applications" 2010-2025
© Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Program Systems Institute of RAS (PSI RAS) 2010-2025