Papers are presented in PDF format
• Содержание выпуска • • Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks • • Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory • • Supercomputing Software and Hardware •
Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks
Responsible for the Section: doctor of technical Sciences Vyacheslav Khachumov.,
candidate of technical Sciences Eugene Kurshev.
On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number
of A5 pages contained in the paper,
and the reference to the full-text PDF
Article #
submitted on 29th
Nov 2019 displayed on
website on 05th
2020 Seda R. Momot,
Il’ya N. Vozdvizhenskiy
The assessment
of the factuality of the syntactically subordinated proposition
The article presents a method to define the
factuality status of a proposition in the
sphere of the natural languahe processing. A particular
emphasis is placed upon syntactically subordinated
propisitions. The term "factuality status" is
defined by introduction of its three components, the core
component is the so-called "epistemic value". The essence of
the method is the hierarchical alignement of
the predicates of the constructions in a polipredicative
sentence. An epistemic value is assigned to every predicate
by a set of rules and a dictionary..(in Russian).
Key words: factuality, factuality status, epistemic value,
time plane, hypotaxical constructions,
predicate, proposition. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2020_2_23-46.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2020-11-2-23-46 |
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks • • Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory • • Supercomputing Software and Hardware •