

Online Scientific Journal published by the Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mathematical Modelling
Mathematical Foundations of Programming
Supercomputing Software and Hardware
Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers
Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks

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• Содержание выпуска •
• Mathematical Modelling •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Supercomputing Software and Hardware •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •

Mathematical Modelling

Responsible for the Section: doctor of technical Sciences Vladimir Gurman, candidate of technical Sciences Sergei Amelkin

On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text PDF .


Article # 11_2020

14 p.


submitted on 2th Apr 2020 displayed on website on 27th Jule 2020

Oleg V. Zhurenkov
Mathematical modeling in systems of design patterns

Analysis of the state of the CAD market for light industry and software available for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs in this industry shows insufficient provision of information technologies in this segment. For a described model of the usual business process for the manufacture of patterns, this work identifies minimum requirements for software for small businesses engaged in individual sewing.
It describes the minimum list of graphic primitives and operations for constructing the base and modeling patterns. Objects constructed with these primitives depend on predefined dimensional parameters. Saving in an open format graphic file makes it possible to use free vector graphic editors for further modeling. For greater user convenience, the basic set of graphic primitives is supplemented with a set of operations for an affine transformation of constructed objects. The result is the requirements for the construction of an automated workstation for a fashion designer. These requirements for a mathematical model and object transformation principles form the basis for a future design and modeling subsystem, suitable for any of the currently used techniques.(In Russian).

Key words: CAD, parametric modeling, affine transformations.

article citation


• Mathematical Modelling •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Supercomputing Software and Hardware •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •


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© Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Program Systems Institute of RAS (PSI RAS) 2010-2025