2014 Volume 5
Issue 4
Clicking on a menu header directs you to the abstracts of papers. Each
abstract is preceded by an assigned number, submission date, and the
number of A5 pages contained in the paper.
Please use the PDF icon to open the PDF version of the paper.
- Serdyuk Yu. Programming the graphics processors (GPU) in MC#
- Shevchuk Yu., Ponomarev A., Elistratov A. BotikSwitch the
Ethernet switch family
- Mayboroda Yu., Syntsov M., Ozerin A., Kuzin A., Varlamov O.
Automatic tagging system based on mivar technologies
- Sukhoroslov O. Integration of distributed computing
applications and resources on the base of cloud platform
- Volkov S., Sukhoroslov O. Implementation of parameter sweep
computations on Everest platform
- Demidov A. About the features of DBMS architecture in MPP-system
- Fralenko V.
Methods of image texture analysis, Earth remote sensing data
- Suleymanova E. An integrated approach to disambiguating
relationalappositional constructions
- Vlasova N. On annotating Russian texts for information
extraction task
- Vinoradov A., Vozdvizhenskiy I., Kormalev D., Kurshev E. The
time aspect modelling of situation description for information
extraction task
- Vlasova N. On one problem of automatic information extraction
from Russian texts
- Nepejvoda N., Grigorevsky I., Lilitko E. New Representation
of Real Numbers
- Znamenskij S. Modeling of the optimal sequence alignment
- Gurman V., Rasina I., Guseva I. Differential Control Systems
Transformations to Approximate Optimal Control Search
- Trushkova E., Fesko O. Parameterized control models
- Krypsky A., Rusakov R. Calculator grid optimization in DSP-devices