2014 Volume 5
Issue 2
Clicking on a menu header directs you to the abstracts of papers. Each
abstract is preceded by an assigned number, submission date, and the
number of A5 pages contained in the paper.
Please use the PDF icon to open the PDF version of the paper.
- Burdayev M.N. About the control and
correction of exoatmospheric orbitdescent trajectory area for planet
artificial satellite
- Burdayev M.N. About the influence of
spacecraft maneuverability characteristics on the convergence
objects observing possibility
- Gurman V., Fesko O., Guseva I., Nasatueva S. Iterative
procedures based on the method of global control improvement
- Fralenko V.P. Localization of text fragments on mixed
background: short scientific review
- Yurchenko S.G. Visualization of electronic
clinical documents, adjusted for protection of personal data and
other restricted access information
- Stotsky M., Shevchuk Yu. Visualization templates in the
BotikMon monitoring system