• Содержание выпуска • • Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers • • Mathematical Foundations of Programming • • Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory • • Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks • • Supercomputing Software and Hardware •
Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers
Responsible for the Section: Sergei Abramov, Dr. Phys.-Math.Sci.,
corresponding member of RAS
On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number
of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text
Article #
submitted on 07th
Okt 2015 displayed on
website on 02th Nov
2015 Dmitriy Zmejev, Nikolay
Levchenko, Anatoliy Okunev, Aleksandr Stempkovsky
The principles of organization of the I/O system of the parallel
dataflow computing system
This article discusses the basic principles of I/O
block of the parallel dataflow computing system “Buran”, analyses
the effect of different algorithms for data entry on the efficiency
of task computation. Describes a means to reduce the required size
of content-addressable memory of keys and analyzes the results of
experiments on the programming model of the parallel dataflow
computing system. (In Russian).
Key words: I/O block, algorithms of data entry,
content-addressable memory, parallel dataflow computing system. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2015_4_3-28.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2015-6-4-3-28 |
Article #
submitted on 07th
Okt 2015 displayed on
website on 05th Nov
2015 Boris Glinskiy, Nikolay Kuchin,
Igor Chernykh, Yuriy Orlov, Nikolay Podkolodnyi, Vitaly Likhoshvai,
Nikolay Kolchanov.
Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing
This article presents Siberian supercomputer Center (SSCC)
as a computational center for bioinformatics. Siberian Supercomputer
consists from two cluster supercomputers, especially designed for
bioinformatics workstation with symmetric multiprocessing
architecture and data center. There are detailed hardware and
software architectures described in article. Some success stories of
SSCC usage for bioinformatics problems also presented. (In Russian).
Key words: high performance computers; ioinformatics;
big data. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2015_4_99-112.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2015-6-4-99-112 |
Article #
submitted on
Aug 2015 displayed on
website on 01th Dec
2015 Vladimir Roganov, Anton
Kuznetsov, German Matveyev, Valeriy Osipov
Adaptive analysis of passwords’ reliability using computational
power of hybrid supercomputers
The article concerns the security of traditional ways
of password storing and handling. It describes known incidents of
compromising password hash databases using high-performance
computing clusters. It is noted that very often the cause for
database vulnerabilities is an obsolete way of storing and handling
passwords by users and system administrators. The research shows
that adaptive cryptanalysis algorithms introduce the considerable
security threat for password-storing information systems. Authors
give security recommendations so as to help prevent intelligent
cryptanalysis performed on HPC hybrid cluster systems. (In Russian).
Key words: T-system, dynamic computing, T++programming
language, cryptanalysis, information security, Markov chains,
adaptive password searching, HPC. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2015_4_139-155.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2015-6-4-139-155 |
Article #
submitted on 06th
Nov 2015 displayed on
website on 04th Dec
2015 Elena Shevchuk, Yury Shevchuk
Modern trends in sensor data storage and processing
The review contains overview of modern trends in
sensor data storage and processing. A number methods are considered
from the standpoint of applicability for scalable, high performance
data storage. The most promising solutions are highlighted taking
into account specificity of sensor data. (In Russian).
Key words: time series, scalable distributed data
storage, online services of data storage. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2015_4_157-176.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2015-6-4-157-176 |
Article #
submitted on
Sep 2015 displayed on
website on 04th Dec
2015 Alexei Adamovich
Fibers as the basis for the implementation of the notion of the
T-process for the JVM platform
The spread and the accessibility of modern parallel
computing platforms shows the lack of an appropriate support level
of the needs of software developers for the parallel applications
implementation. At PSI RAS the approach is under development to
parallelization of programs based on the use of the computation
model named “self-transformation of computational network”. This
paper discusses the various options for approaches to the
implementation of the notion “T-process” –– one of the basic notions
of the computation model –– for the JVM platform. The potential
problems are analyzed associated with the implementation of the “
T-process” notion on the basis of the classical OS/JDK threads, and
in the event of a lightweight threads are supported directly in the
virtual machine code. The approach to the implementation of the
T-processes is proposed based on the use of the concept of the
fibers, i.e. lightweight threads, which are implemented outside the
JVM code. The results of experimental comparison of different
approaches to the implementation of the notion of “T-process” based
on the use of fibers and classical streams are provided. We also
analyze the effect of the use of fibers in the implementation of the
“self-transformation of the computational network” computation model
which is used in the ajl parallel programming language being
developed for the JVM platform.(in Russian).
Key words: programming languages implementation,
parallel computations, JVM platform, automatic dynamic
parallelization, threads, fibers. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2015_4_177-195.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2015-6-4-177-195 |
Article #
submitted on
Sep 2015 displayed on
website on 04th Dec
2015 Sergey Abramov, Yury Shevchuk,
Aleksandr Ponomarev, Svetlana Ponomareva, Elena Shevchuk
Sensor network with module architecture
The new approach to the sensor network architecture
based on the devices with modular structure is described. This
hardware-software platform can be seen as a constructor of a sort,
which makes it easy to assemble the sensor nodes according to the
needs of a user and the place of deployment. This approach is
intended to significantly expand the field of application of the
sensor networks. (In Russian).
Key words: sensor network, LoWPAN, Ethernet, WiFi, PLC,
Bluetooth 4.0 LE, ZigBee, Z-Wave. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2015_4_197-208.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2015-6-4-197-208 |
Article #
submitted on
Nov 2015 displayed on
website on 10th Dec
2015 Genri Norman, Nikita Orekhov,
Vasily Pisarev, Grigory Smirnov, Sergey Starikov, Vladimir Stegailov,
Alexey Yanilkin
What for and which exaflops supercomputers are necessary in
natural sciences
An approach is developed which permits to expose
tasks which need supercomputers to be solved. Near future pre-exaflops
supercomputers are included. The approach potential is shown for
examples of topical tasks in mechanics, physics, chemistry and
biology. Both atomistic modeling & simulation and mechanics of
continua are treated. Torus topology advantages are demonstrated.
Recommendations are suggested for procedures of design selection of
new supercomputers which are planned. (In Russian.
Key words: atomistic modeling, electronic structure,
molecular dynamics, multiscale modelling, radiation aging, laser
ablation, nucleation, polymers, electrochemistry, parallel
efficiency. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2015_4_243-311.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2015-6-4-243-311 |
Article #
submitted on
Dec 2015 displayed on
website on 28th Dec
2015 Ponomarev A.
Sensor network with module architecture
This article presents an industrial analog current
loop (4-20 mA) device capable of acting as both receiver and
transmitter. The principle of operation and implementation details
are described. The device is intended for use in modular sensor
networks, interfacing with sensors and/or actuators over 4-20mA
current loop. (In Russian).
Key words: sensor network, 4-20mA current loop. |
article citation |
http://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2015_4_441-453.pdf |
https://doi.org/10.25209/2079-3316-2015-6-4-441-453 |
• Содержание выпуска • • Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers • • Mathematical Foundations of Programming • • Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory • • Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks • • Supercomputing Software and Hardware •