

Online Scientific Journal published by the Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mathematical Foundations of Programming
Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory
Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks
Supercomputing Software and Hardware

Papers are presented in PDF format

• Содержание выпуска •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Supercomputing Software and Hardware •

Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory

Responsible for the Section: doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences Yury Sachkov.

On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text PDF .


Article # 18_2020

14 p.


submitted on 21th Oct 2020 displayed on website on 06th Dec 2020

Lawrence E. Blume, Aleksandra A. Lukina
A Note on Migration Perturbation and Convergence Rates to a Steady State

Using tools developed in the Markov chains literature, we study convergence times in the Leslie population model in the short and middle run. Assuming that the population is in a steady-state and reproduces itself period after period, we address the following question: how long will it take to get back to the steady-state if the population distribution vector was affected by some shock as, for instance, the “brain drain”? We provide lower and upper bounds for the time required to reach a given distance from the steady-state.

Key words: The Leslie population model, migration perturbation, convergence rates to a steady-state.

article citation


• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Methods for Optimal Control and Control Theory •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Supercomputing Software and Hardware •


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© Electronic Scientific Journal "Program Systems: Theory and  Applications" 2010-2025
© Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Program Systems Institute of RAS (PSI RAS) 2010-2025