

Online Scientific Journal published by the Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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Guidelines for Authors

The article is to be submitted by å-mail in the form of an attachment to the letter. Submitting the article, the corresponding author by his letter confirms his agreement with the order of publication and requirements for articles stated on the site  and author's willingness to submit signed ( Consent on Personal Data (PDF) and signed Author Agreement (PDF,DOCX).

Before sending a message, author should make sure that the submission meet the following requirements:

  1. The article should match to the journal's topic.

  2. The article should present a clear statement of previously unpublished results of scientific research against the backdrop of an up-to-date review of related achievements, or contain an analytical review that represents the state of research in the field and identifies key areas of development.

  3. The article should contain enough text in both Russian and English for a complete unambiguous understanding of the main result of the article. If the main literature list contains Russian-language sources, a list of literature in English is also needed. However, detailed information about authors can be provided only in the language of the article.

  4. Previously published proposals and illustrations in the article should be accompanied by correctly formatted references to original publications. The article should not contain information jf any kind for the publication of which permission is required, as well as links to resources that are unavailable without authorization.

  5. The generally accepted legal and ethical norms and traditional requirements to the validity of scientific conclusions must be strictly observed.

  6. Author can choose between two forms of submitting:

(a)  a zip archive of the full set of non-standard files used for compilation, including illustrations and macro packages; there should be no errors when compiling pdflatex using the attached latest version of the style file for LaTeX with the manual,

(b) a PDF with copied text and formulas, which in the absence of complex formulas can be prepared in any visual editor if there are no complex formulas, with 10% accuracy of the text observed sizes.

  • Prior to reviewing, the file should not contain explicit information about authors, their workplaces, funding and gratitudes.

  • After reviewing the file, the usual order for the location of the information on the first and last pages including the lists of literature should be kept(only numbers in the list indicating the pages of links in the text and reference patterns are not required) and required information about the authors should appear in the file.

  1. The language of presentation must be impeccably literate. Please, avoid ambiguous turns that are not substantiated in the article or external sources of approval, unnecessary for understanding distraction, excessive duplication of information and inaccurate borrowings. Understanding should be facilitated as far as possible by a thoughtful plan, mathematical formulas, drawings, diagrams, graphs and hyperlinks. Any design tools that improve the perception from the screen and don't harm the perception of the printed impression are welcome.

  2. Each author should be presented in the article with a 4-7 lines of information in free including the orcid, face photo and e-mail.

  3. All illustrations and photographs should be of high quality, not suffering with a sevenfold increase, and the font of the inscriptions should match with the main text

Usually authors help the editorial staff to  reduce several times the planned 2-3-month period of scientific editing, by preparing the submission carefully:

  • striving for brevity, clarity and validity of the presentation of each thought, excluding unnecessary repetition, distracting information and information of questionable quality;

  • expressively structuring the material using hyperlinks;

  • expressively aligning listings and long formulas, using the syntax highlighting in complex listings, improving charts and diagrams for maximum expressiveness;

  • finding for elements of the list of literature DOI or identifiers of known library systems, accompanying Russian-language editions with published translations into English, original in English or translations into English of titles of articles and books, or active hyperlinks;

  • competently using modern capabilities of LaTeX;

Combining changes while interacting with authors is facilitated by using the free utility diffpdf, which shows small changes in pdf files.

Personal Data Policy

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Adress: Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PSTA Online Journal, 4a Peter the First Street, Veskovo village, Pereslavl area, Yaroslavl region, 152021 Russia

Phone: +7-4852-695-228   E-mail:    Website:

© Electronic Scientific Journal "Program Systems: Theory and  Applications" 2010-2025
© Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Program Systems Institute of RAS (PSI RAS) 2010-2025