

Online Scientific Journal published by the Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2017 Issue 1
2017 Issue 2
2017 Issue 3
2017 Issue 4

Papers are accepted in the form of a PDF file

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• Содержание выпуска •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Supercomputing Software and Hardware •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •

Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers

Responsible for the Section: Sergei Abramov, Dr. Phys.-Math.Sci., corresponding member of RAS

On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text PDF .


Article # 2_2017

16 p.


submitted on 28th Dec 2016 displayed on website on 23th Jan 2017

Dmitri Knyazkov
Effective computation of two-dimensional FFT on a homogeneous or heterogeneous cluster

The paper considers performing two-dimensional FFT on a supercomputer. It investigates a dependance of FFT computation time from a matrix size for MVS-100K, MVS-10P and HybriLIT supercomputers. A method of CPU-GPU load balance for a heterogeneous cluster is proposed. For a TESLA K40 card it is shown, that two-dimensional FFT computation time is almost equal to data transferring time. The computation itself is 48 times faster when using GPU comparing to two-processors node. (In Russian).

Key words: HPC, supercomputer computations, fast Fourier transform, FFT, GPU computations.

article citation


Article # 4_2017

20 p.


submitted on 24th Dec 2016 displayed on website on 23th Jan 2017

Eugene Barkovksy, Ruslan Kuchumov, Andrew Sokolov
Optimal control of two deques in shared memory with various work-stealing strategies

In parallel load balancers based on work-stealing strategy each processor has its own task deque. One end of the deque is used by the owner to add and retrieve tasks, and the second — by the other processors to steal tasks.
The aim of this research is to construct and analyze mathematical models of the process of work with two cyclic deques located in the shared memory. The parameters of these models are the probabilities of operations (serial or parallel) at each step of discrete time. Mathematical models are built as random walks on an integer lattice in the plane. On the basis of models, problems of optimal partition of memory were solved for various work-stealing strategies. As the criterion of optimality we consider the maximum mean time to the memory overflow.
Statistical studies to assess the probabilities of operations were carried out for multiple types of tasks. For this purpose, as a part of our RFBR grant, work-stealing balancer was constructed. Obtained probabilities were used in numerical experiments to analyze the developed models.
To solve these problems apparatus of controlled random walks, absorbing Markov chains and LAPACK system were used. Calculations were made using cluster KRC RAS. (In Russian).

Key words: work-stealing schedulers, work-stealing deques, data structures, Markov chains, random walks.

article citation


Article # 5_2017

15 p.


submitted on 28th Dec 2016 displayed on website on 23th March 2017

Vladimir Voloshinov, Sergey Smirnov
Evaluation of a Coarse-Grained Branch-and-Bound Algorithm in the Everest Computing Environment

The study concerned the coarse-grained approach to the implementation of the parallel branch-and-bound (B&B) method. Feasible domain of the mixed integer programming problem is divided into several subsets by xing some of the integer variables. It corresponds to decomposition of the initial problem into subproblems, which are being solved in parallel by a pool of solvers. When solver nds an incumbent value it is broadcasted to other solvers. Such exchange of optimal objective value’s bounds allows to speed up the solution of subproblems via reducing number of nodes of B&B search tree, which are to be explored. Solver life cycle and incumbent values’ exchange are managed by the Everest Web-based platform for distributed computing, The system has been tested on several randomly generated mixed-integer programming problems and a noticeable speedup has been detected. (in Russian).

Key words: discrete optimization, branch and bound algorithm, coarse-grained parallelism.

article citation


Article # 7_2017

15 с.


submitted on 22th Dec 2016 displayed on website on 13th March 2017

Aleksei Kondratev, Artem Bezzubtsev, Aleksandr Smirnov
The use of a distributed data processing system in the task of building an automated surveillance system

Modern approaches to building surveillance systems are beginning to increasingly rely on automation. This article describes an approach to the construction of an automated video surveillance systems based on sensors constructed using a microcomputer, and a high-performance cluster calculator. At the beginning of the work describes the basic approach to the collection and processing of information. The main part describes the speci$cs of the distributed data processing system, as well as the methods and data collection and analysis algorithms. The $nal part describes the results of experimental studies, as well as the major $ndings, both positive and negative aspects of the approach and developed a complex. (In Russian).

Key words: distributed systems, high-performance cluster calculator, sensory compute node, Raspberry Pi.

article citation


Article # 9_2017

21 p.


submitted on 18th Dec 2016 displayed on website on 17th March 2017

Anastasiya Belyaeva, Eugeniy Biryaltsev, Marat Galimov, Denis Demidov, Aleksandr Elizarov, Ol’ga Zhibrik
Architecture of HPC clusters for Oil&Gas Industry

We consider design and architecture of a complex integrated system for high performance computing, data storage, and 3D visualization targeted at oil and gas industry.
We describe technical details and results obtained while creating such an integrated software and hardware solution, and talk about challenges and directions for further progress in the technological field. (In Russian).

Key words: numerical simulation, distributed computing, GPU cluster, oil and gas industry, HPC platform.

article citation


Article # 10_2017

19 p.


submitted on 20th Dec 2016 displayed on website on 17th March 2017

Sergey Abramov, Vladimir Roganov, Valerii Osipov, German Matveev
MetaStochastic adaptive algorithms and theirs implementation with parallel programming system T++ & MPI

The article describes parallel adaptive method for calculating multidimensional integrals. (In Russian).

Key words: dynamic parallelization, T-system with an open architecture, OpenTS, T++ programming language, adaptive algorithm, Meta-Stochastic process, scalable computing, multiparameter system, multidimensional integral, Monte Carlo method, recursive descent.

article citation


Article # 11_2017

16 p.


submitted on 24th Dec 2016 displayed on website on 17th March 2017

Anton Baranov, Dmitriy Lyakhovets
The influence of packaging on efficiency of parallel jobs scheduling

The article considers the system of parallel jobs scheduling designed by the authors. The system allows combining into one package the same type of parallel jobs with the long initialization time. Long-time initialization results into decrease of
efficiency of computing resources usage and parallel jobs scheduling.
The article presents the results of the experiments on the research of the influence of packaging on such scheduling efficiency metrics as full and useful load of computing resources. (In Russian).

Key words: jobs packaging system, batch mode, grouping-based scheduling, SUPPZ, simulator, scheduling efficiency.

article citation


Article # 4_2017

20 p.


submitted on 24th Dec 2016 displayed on website on 23th Jan 2017

Eugene Barkovksy, Ruslan Kuchumov, Andrew Sokolov
Optimal control of two deques in shared memory with various work-stealing strategies

In parallel load balancers based on work-stealing strategy each processor has its own task deque. One end of the deque is used by the owner to add and retrieve tasks, and the second — by the other processors to steal tasks.
The aim of this research is to construct and analyze mathematical models of the process of work with two cyclic deques located in the shared memory. The parameters of these models are the probabilities of operations (serial or parallel) at each step of discrete time. Mathematical models are built as random walks on an integer lattice in the plane. On the basis of models, problems of optimal partition of memory were solved for various work-stealing strategies. As the criterion of optimality we consider the maximum mean time to the memory overflow.
Statistical studies to assess the probabilities of operations were carried out for multiple types of tasks. For this purpose, as a part of our RFBR grant, work-stealing balancer was constructed. Obtained probabilities were used in numerical experiments to analyze the developed models.
To solve these problems apparatus of controlled random walks, absorbing Markov chains and LAPACK system were used. Calculations were made using cluster KRC RAS. (In Russian).

Key words: work-stealing schedulers, work-stealing deques, data structures, Markov chains, random walks.

article citation



• Содержание выпуска •
• Mathematical Foundations of Programming •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •
• Artificial Intelligence, Intelligence Systems, Neural Networks •
• Supercomputing Software and Hardware •
• Software and Hardware for Distributed Systems and Supercomputers •


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Adress: Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PSTA Online Journal, 4a Peter the First Street, Veskovo village, Pereslavl area, Yaroslavl region, 152021 Russia

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© Electronic Scientific Journal "Program Systems: Theory and  Applications" 2010-2025
© Organization of Russian Academy of Sciences Program Systems Institute of RAS (PSI RAS) 2010-2025