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Supercomputing Software and Hardware

Responsible for the Section: Sergei Abramov, Dr. Phys.-Math.Sci., corresponding member of RAS

On the left: assigned number of the paper, submission date, the number of A5 pages contained in the paper, and the reference to the full-text PDF .


Article # 1_2021

17 с.


submitted on 14th Dec 2020 displayed on website on 02th March 2021

Anatolii D. Panferov, Nikolai A. Novikov, Alexandr A. Trunov
Simulate the behavior of graphene in external electric fields

The paper presents the results obtained in developing a complex for calculating the parameters of monolayer graphene under an external electric field’s action. The used physical model allows detailed reproduction of such parameters but requires an extensive computation for exact values. The model is based on the system of kinetic equations that provide the calculation of the time-dependent distribution function of charge carriers in two-dimensional momentum space. The computational resource requirements are proportional to the number of the computational grid nodes that cover the momentum space. The model’s behavior allows local grids that cover only a relatively small part of the computed function domain.
We model the results of the action of short high-frequency pulses of an electric field and analyze the behavior of the model at the maximum level of the external field to search and localize regions in momentum space, the determination of the distribution function in which is sufficient to obtain the values of the observables. Such localization of distribution functions from calculations on relatively sparse grids works even for weak external electric fields.
Obtaining the observed parameters requires calculating the integral characteristics of the distribution function in the two-dimensional momentum space. Its implementation in parallel with the simultaneous calculation of the distribution function’s values on the optimized grid makes it unnecessary to preserve the values of the distribution function and possible to obtain only one-dimensional time series. Such representing data on the dynamics of the observed parameters is useful for analyzing the behavior of the model under consideration. (In Russian).

Key words: numerical simulation, graphene, distribution function of charge carriers, optimal choice of the computational grid, calculation of the observed parameters.

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Article # 2_2021

93 с.


submitted on 19th Sep 2020 displayed on website on 02th March 2021

Boris Ya. Steinberg, Oleg B. Steinberg
Program transformations as the base for optimizing parallelizing compilers

The paper deals with program transformations leading to acceleration and summarize the publications on various parallel computing architectures and tools for developing effective programs for them. The discussion focuses on a combination of parallelization and optimization of access to memory modules of different levels. It highlights that the lag of automatic program optimization from the needs of new architectures restrains the development of new promising computing systems.
The development of the theory of program transformation and optimizing (parallelizing) compilers could lead to a significant increase in the productivity of programmers. The article substantiates the call for the modernization of the optimizing compilation and presents new problem statements. (In Russian).

Key words: optimizing compiler, parallel computations, program transformations, data locality, memory access optimization, tile.

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Article # 3_2021

14 с.


submitted on 18th Dec 2029 displayed on website on 23th March 2021

Alexey V. Makhankov, Maksim O. Kuznetsov, Anatolii D. Panferov
Efficiency of using NVIDIA coprocessors in modeling the behavior of charge carriers in graphene

Specialized hardware solutions play an important role in the development of supercomputer technologies. Currently, most computing systems of maximum performance use mathematical coprocessors of various types. So the development of applied software solutions designed to realize the potential of modern computing platforms requires ensuring the efficient use of hardware accelerators. The course of work on a software system for simulating the behavior of charge carriers in graphene needs to solve the problem of supporting such accelerators and to investigate the efficiency of the solution obtained. The current situation and the prospects for the next few years suggest the NVIDIA accelerators and CUDA software technology, but the hardware architecture of NVIDIA accelerators is fundamentally different from the CPU architecture, and therefore the mathematical libraries adapted for CUDA do not support the entire range of algorithms used in the original version of the program. The paper presents the features of an implementation of CUDA support and the results of comparative testing of the obtained solution using the example of a problem with realistic characteristics. (In Russian).

Key words: high performance computing, hybrid architectures, CUDA, graphene, quantum kinetic equation.

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