Optimization Methods and Control Theory
Research Article
About One Class of Discrete-Continuous Systems with Parameters
Irina Viktorovna Rasina1
, Irina Sergeevna Guseva2
Abstract. The study focuses on a special case of a hybrid system: discrete-continuous systems (DCS) with parameters and intermediate criteria. Such systems are two-level. The parameters are included only in continuous systems operating alternately at the lower level. The upper level is described by a discrete process and plays a connecting role for all the lower-level systems. The upper level also determines the policy of interaction of lower-level systems and provides minimization of functionality. The authors formulate an analogue of sufficient Krotov optimality conditions and construct a method for improving control and parameters. The paper contains an illustrative example. Based on the general conditions obtained, we have researched a special case: quasilinear DNS. (In Russian).
Keywords: discrete-continuous systems with parameters, intermediate criteria, optimal control, quasilinear discrete-continuous systems
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 21-11-00202
For citation: Irina V. Rasina, Irina S. Guseva. About One Class of Discrete-Continuous Systems with Parameters. Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2023, 14:1, pp. 125–148. (In Russ.). https://psta.psiras.ru/2023/1_125-148.
Full text of article (PDF): https://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2023_1_125-148.pdf.
The article was submitted 27.01.2022; approved after reviewing 16.03.2023; accepted for publication 17.03.2023; published online 20.03.2023.