Volume 14 (2023) . Issue 1 (56) . Paper No. 3 (424)

Optimization Methods and Control Theory

Research Article

Steady-state performance analysis of multiserver queueing models with redundancy

Alexander Sergeevich RumyantsevCorrespondent author, Diana Sergeevna Dolgaleva, Alexander Stanislavovich Golovin

Institute of Applied Mathematical Research KarRC of RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Alexander Sergeevich Rumyantsev — Correspondent author ar0@krc.karelia.ru

Abstract. An approach to study of the stochastic models of distributed computing systems by means of the multiserver queueing models with redundancy is suggested. Perspectives and limitations of the approach, as well as possible future research directions are presented. (Linked article texts in Russian and in English).

Keywords: distributed computing systems, multiserver queueing systems, stochastic modeling, systems with redundancy

MSC-20202020 Mathematics Subject Classification 60K30; 90B22, 65C30MSC-2020 60-XX: Probability theory and stochastic processes
MSC-2020 60Kxx: Special processes
MSC-2020 60K30: Applications of queueing theory (congestion, allocation, storage, traffic, etc.)
MSC-2020 90-XX: Operations research, mathematical programming
MSC-2020 90Bxx: Operations research and management science
MSC-2020 90B22,: Queues and service in operations research
MSC-2020 65-XX: Numerical analysis
MSC-2020 65Cxx: Probabilistic methods, stochastic differential equations

Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to the referees for valuable comments. The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 21-71-10135

For citation: Alexander S. Rumyantsev, Diana S. Dolgaleva, Alexander S. Golovin. Steady-state performance analysis of multiserver queueing models with redundancy. Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2023, 14:1, pp. 55–94. (In Russ., in Engl.). https://psta.psiras.ru/2023/1_55-94.

Full text of article (PDF): https://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2023_1_55-94.pdf.

The article was submitted 06.12.2022; approved after reviewing 27.01.2023; accepted for publication 05.02.2023; published online 15.02.2023.

© Rumyantsev A. S., Dolgaleva D. S., Golovin A. S.
Editorial address: Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Peter the First Street 4«a», Veskovo village, Pereslavl area, Yaroslavl region, 152021 Russia; Phone: +7(4852) 695-228; E-mail: ; Website:  http://psta.psiras.ru
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