Volume 15 (2024) . Issue 4 (63) . Paper No. 4 (451)

Computational science

Research Article

Mathematical modeling with constraints and research of the optimal configuration of an optical stereo system consisting of two flat mirrors and videocamera

Dmitry Nikolaevich Stepanov1Correspondent author, Igor Petrovich Tishchenko2

1,2Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of RAS, Ves'kovo, Russia
1 Dmitry Nikolaevich Stepanov — Correspondent author mitek1989@mail.ru

Abstract. The paper continues a series of studies devoted to mathematical modeling and optimization of optical stereo system configuration, consists of video camera and two flat mirrors. In previous work, we developed a model that takes into account various constraints on the configuration of such a system: the size of the stereo base, the size of the mirrors, overall dimensions of the optical system, the absence of double reflection of light rays, preventing the situation when the video camera is reflected in the mirrors. A conditional optimization problem is formulated, the perimeter of the rectangle that bounds the optical system is chosen as the objective function.

In this work we added a set of constraints to the model that define the configuration of the working area, which is formed by the intersection of the fields of view of two virtual cameras. The corresponding changes were made to the program for the numerical solution of the constrained optimization problem using the SciPy package. The results obtained expand the theory of computer vision and can be used in the creation and research of computer vision systems for robotic systems and non-destructive testing systems. (In Russian).

Keywords: machine vision, optical devices, mathematical modeling, stereovision, optimization, catoptric system

MSC-20202020 Mathematics Subject Classification 78M50; 78A05, 68T45MSC-2020 78-XX: Optics, electromagnetic theory
MSC-2020 78Mxx: Basic methods for problems in optics and electromagnetic theory
MSC-2020 78M50: Optimization problems in optics and electromagnetic theory
MSC-2020 78Axx: General
MSC-2020 78A05: Geometric optics

For citation: Dmitry N. Stepanov, Igor P. Tishchenko. Mathematical modeling with constraints and research of the optimal configuration of an optical stereo system consisting of two flat mirrors and videocamera. Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 2024, 15:4, pp. 55–77. (In Russ.). https://psta.psiras.ru/2024/4_55-77.

Full text of article (PDF): https://psta.psiras.ru/read/psta2024_4_55-77.pdf.

The article was submitted 18.10.2024; approved after reviewing 29.10.2024; accepted for publication 02.11.2024; published online 17.11.2024.

© Stepanov D. N., Tishchenko I. P.
Editorial address: Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Peter the First Street 4«a», Veskovo village, Pereslavl area, Yaroslavl region, 152021 Russia; Phone: +7(4852) 695-228; E-mail: ; Website:  http://psta.psiras.ru
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